Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - Solo Brathuke So Better

Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - Solo Brathuke So Better

Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - Solo Brathuke So Better

Song Name Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - Solo Brathuke So Better
Singer(s) Nakash Aziz
Lyricist(s) Kasarla Shyam
Music(s) Thaman S
Featuring Stars Sai Dharam Tej | Nabha Natesh
Album Solo Brathuke So Better
Music Label Sony Music South


Amrutha Song Lyrics in English - Solo Brathuke So Better 

Bulb Kanipettinodike
Brathuku Simma Seekatai Poyindhe
Cellu Phone Compinodike
Simmu Card-Ye Block-Ai Poyindhe
Route Soope Google-Ammane
Inti Route Ne Marsipoyindhe
Right Time Seppe Watch Ke
Bad Time-Ye Start-Ai Poyindhe

Aggipulla Nene Mellagaa Kaalchuthunte
Sontha Kompane Fullugaa Antukunnaadhe
Past Life Lo Nenu Cheppina Edhava Maate
Bright Future Neelaa Thagalabettindhe

Oggesi Poke Amrutha Nenu
Thattukoka Mandhu Thaaguthaa
Ottesi Seputhunna Amrutha
Nuvvellipothe Ontaraipothaa

Oggesi Poke Amrutha
Nenu Thattukoka Mandhu Thaaguthaa
Ottesi Seputhunna Amrutha
Nuvvellipothe Ontaraipothaa

5 Star Chocolate Ichhi Bujjagincha
Chinna Pillavu Kaadhe
Fevicol Kannaa Gattigaa Fix-Ayi
Chukkalu Cuoopisthaave
Chempa Meedha Okkatiddhaamante
Chette Raavatledhe
Hug Chesukoni Chepdhaamante
Bhaggumataavanna Bhayame

Bandaraayi Laanti Mind Set Maarchi
Manasuthoti Linku Chesthe Baagupadathave
Nee Heart Gate Therichi
Neelo Thongi Choode
Naa Bommane Geesi Undhi
Naapai Love-Undhe

Oggesi Poke Amrutha
Nenu Thattukoka Mandhu Thaaguthaa
Ottesi Seputhunna Amrutha
Nuvvellipothe Ontaraipothaa
Oggesi Poke Amrutha
Nenu Thattukoka Mandhu Thaaguthaa
Ottesi Seputhunna Amrutha
Nuvvellipothe Ontaraipothaa

Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - Solo Brathuke So Better

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Amrutha Song Lyrics in Telugu - This song is from the movie Solo Brathuke So Better sung by Nakash Aziz,  lyrics written by Kasarla Shyam, music given by Thaman S and featuring Sai Dharam Tej | Nabha Natesh

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